Location: Singapore, Singapore

Baritone Saxophonist Aspiring Pilot

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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Japan Trip - The Beginning

Every story has to start somewhere, as they say. For me, the beginning was at 4 in the morning at Changi Airport. I was the earliest there, with the rest of the people arriving at around 4.30-5. Check in was slow, since there was a large group of tourists in front of us. We went directly to the gate after that. I, being an aviation enthusiast, noted the plane's registration. (For those of you who care, it was JA701J).

When we boarded, I found myself next to Gabu and Isaac Sim. During our taxi to the runway, some guy in the terminal coincidentally took a photo of the plane and uploaded it onto the internet. If you look closely at the windows, you might see one of us, but I doubt it.

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The flight was EXTREMELY boring, and I ended up listening to jazz music on the in-flight entertainment system, due to my mp3 being in my check-in bag and the 2 jokers sitting next to me falling asleep.

When I reached Narita airport, for the 5th time, I saw a few interesting planes around. We cleared customs quickly, and left the airport. We met Momose san there as well. The Narita Excel Tokyu hotel, where we were to stay, was a rather short drive from the airport.

At the hotel, we had a "final" rehearsal for our performance the next day. The radios kept screwing up and delaying our dismissal. I ended up playing com for the rest of the night.

The next day, me and Hong Cheng, whom I shared a room with, took a walk around the gardens, which were quite beautiful. Sadly, we left the hotel at around 9, for our long drive to the city of Hamamatsu. That was even more boring than the flight, and I ended up listening to Der Vogelhandler, my school band's SYF piece, over and over again.

When we reached the Hotel Concorde in Hamamatsu, we had to change into our Malay costumes. Then we had yet more rehearsals, until the Japanese students, and various other people arrived.

When the hall was filled up, a few people gave speeches, including the principals of the schools and Mr Tan. Then, we performed, which wasn't as bad as I expected. Finally, we had to introduce ourselves to the Japanese people. Then, we dispersed to our various hosts. Hong Cheng, as usual, quoted Star Wars as a farewell, "There is no fear, there is no hate, there is the Force". No idea how that was relevant, but it was inspirational, at least.

That's all for this post, stay tuned for the next instalment!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

when is the next instalment gonna come? itsu? hurry! its fun reading. hahaha..ganbatte!

Sat Jul 02, 11:52:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HHAHA please haiyaku, aaron-san. minna wa dying to read your blog!

Mon Jul 04, 06:31:00 PM 2005  

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